Herxheimer Reaction

Herxheimer, Colitis, & Diarrhea

Question: I have had one session with the Rife Pro V2 for Colitis. I have had diarrhea for several years from Colitis and Crones disease and permanent inflammation of the colon. Anyway – after one session for Colitis my diarrhea has increased. Is that due to the machine? Do you have frequencies for diarrhea? Are

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Seizures – Can They be Caused by the Machine?

Question: Can the machine cause seizures? Answer: People who are prone to Seizures can have a “Seizure” event at any time, irrespective of whether they are using the machine (or not) After sales of over 25000 machines, we have had zero reports on the machine causing or influencing seizures My opinion here would be that

Seizures – Can They be Caused by the Machine? Read More »

Herxheimer Reaction – I’m having trouble with it

Question: I have a friend who is trying to treat for Vertigo. The Herxheimer reaction is a problem for her. She has tried going really really slow. Just using one treatment and dividing it up in the day. She’s tried it at night, lying down on the pad. She has tried taking a few days

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What should I do about a Herxheimer Effect?

Question: What should I do about a Herxheimer Effect? Answer: ‘Herxheimer effect’, an immune system response to toxins in the blood and tissues. This will often result in a worsening of the condition, including outbreaks in sores. The suggestion is to reduce the Rife treatment to once every three days, before gradually building up treatments

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Herpes Symptoms Seem Worse, Why?

Question: ============= I have a very concerned client who has been using the machine programmed for herpes frequencies. She has been using it daily and had a pretty bad outbreak and is now blaming the machine thinking that it is making her worse. I’ve tried to explain to her that often times there are flare

Herpes Symptoms Seem Worse, Why? Read More »

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