Hepititis B

Hepatitis A, B, C

Question: Yes, I see that you have frequencies in the Rife Machine for Hepatitis A, B, and C which are caused by specific viruses.  However, my son’s hepatitis is not caused by any of these viruses.  The term Idiopathic means that a rigorous course of action has been pursued in trying to determine a cause […]

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Conflicts with Radiation or Hep. B While Zapping or using the Rife

Question: Larry has just been diagnosed with throat cancer. He is going in for radiation 5 days per week for 7 weeks. Can he use the Rife Machine – and I assume he should buy the Ultimate – while undergoing Radiation. He also has Hepatitis B and is taking Verad for that. Will the zapping conflict? Answer: There are

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Hepititis B

A Dr Rife Machine, set on Hepatitis frequencies will help with the recovery process.  For example in the CAFL book supplied Hepatitis B: 0.18 0.87, 5.29, 27.50, 45.56, 95.22, 182.50, 414.55, 420.80, 418.00 Program the Rife Machine with each frequency and use for 10 minutes per frequency.  Many people use the Rife Machine on the feet at night, and for

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