Gram Negative Bacteria

Bacterial Infections & Liver Issues

Question: First in looking at the rife frequency codes what does it mean when it says bacterial infections then uses the word gram with a plus or minus sign? What does the gram and the plus minus sign mean? Also, I am having bile backup really bad. What setting do I put the rife machine […]

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Micro Bacterium Abscesses

Question: My mother is having trouble with a bacteria. It is apparently resistant to the prescription drug she is taking. It is Micro Bacterium Abscesses. She is going to be using the Rife Digital Professional V3. Do you have any idea what frequencies she should use? Answer: Gram-negative bacteria cause infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections,

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Question: On some of the Rife sites, they are saying that if the pathogen mutates the frequencies are no longer valid. Answer: Pathogen is unclear. A pathogen could be a Virus, Bacteria or Parasite People who usually discuss Mutations, are speaking of the subject of Bacteria. Virus are so tiny it is virtually impossible to

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