General Well Being

Frequency Set for Improving Physical Condition

Question: Hello I have a question to know if there are frequencies to improve your physical condition whether at the muscular level, shear, fat, heart, energy and these reserves which can be aerobic , anaerobic or creatine. Anything that can help an athlete. Answer: Use SuperSweep mode on RDPV3.  This covers all frequencies 0-1000khz and […]

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Ways to Use the Machine

This is in response to a question on general use. All of the groups 1 – 30 can be programmed.  So, you can just put in the sets that you want to use in Groups 25 –30.  And then just use those with the SWEEP function.  This is a good way to really focus on

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How You Can Improve Your Health from The Comfort of Your Own Home

     This can be thought of in many ways I’m sure, but I’m going for three of all of the possibilities available. Diet Of course diet is one and it’s a big one.  And, I think the number one issue with diet would be GMOs.  Avoid them.  You can do some research and you

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Adrenal Fatigue and General Well Being

Question: Is there a set of frequencies for overall well being? And anything more specific for adrenal fatigue other than “adrenal diseases” Answer: Use the General Fatigue set 1275: Fatigue: 0.05, 0.12, 0.6, 3.87, 72.25, 125.43, 352.93, 496.01, 682.45, 755.49 People usually find that the Detox frequency set, usually eventuates in better feeling of “well-being”

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