Frequency Set Accuracy

Low vs High Frequency Ranges

Question: Hello, I don’t know if you know anything about homeopathy but the more diluted the solution is, the higher the frequency. It turns out that low frequencies heal more on a physical level while high frequencies are more on a psychological level, for example trauma, phobia, etc… I wonder if the 10 lowest frequencies […]

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The Evolution of Frequencies

Question: I purchased my machine in 2017 I believe – so a few years ago. I read an article recently that stated we as a species/humanity are being “Upgraded” by the CME’s and other myriad energies flowing to us in recent years in increasing amounts and are affecting us. The effect was said to be

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Different Frequency Sets For the Same Issue?

The ETDFL group updates the frequencies on an annual basis — when they find a more effective set for the issue. They just updated the Frequency List for 2023 so you may see some differences. Our Frequency list on our BLOG is up-to-date, just click on the heading Frequency Reference, and so is Also, just because

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Frequency Listings Old vs New

Question: The frequency sequences seem to be offset by roughly 5 lines from the place they were used in previous versions. So, for example, frequencies that were previously associated with the “eye” appear next to “facial” problems in the list. Since 2023 archives comes from 2020 (it’s an upgraded version), how do I know it’s

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Breast Cancer — 2 Frequency Sets, Which One Do We Use?

Question: Breast Cancer 2 Frequency Sets, Which One Do We Use? Answer: This one is the new one for ETDL 2020 Cancer: Breast Specific 0.02, 0.46, 5.12, 27.50, 85.00, 95.75, 150.00 434.71, 682.45, 753.07 This one was carried forward from 2006 CAFL for relevance and customer requests Breast Cancer: 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 5.03, 119.34, 350,

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2 Different Frequency Sets for the Same Condition?

Question: I see a Herpes set from my 2017 frequency manual is different from what is in my new 2021 manual that came with my new machine upgrade.  Can you tell me why that is, and which set should I use? Answer: ETDFL 2020/21 is a major update to the 2017 version. The ETDFL 2020

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Checking Frequency Set for Accuracy

Question: How can I make sure that I put all of the frequencies in correctly? Answer: When you are programing and want to check that you put everything in correctly, just stay in the programming function and use your UP or DOWN arrow to move through the frequencies. If you see that one is wrong

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