
Diabetic Neuropathy

Question: In the book of frequencies, it lists “diabetic neuropathy” and then later it lists “peripherlal neuropathy” and they are different frequencies. I was under the impression that these two were the same thing. I have diabetes and neuropathy. I have been using the “peripherel neuropahty” frequencies now, but was using the “diabetic neuropahty” for […]

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Fractures and High Blood Sugar

Question: We purchased our ultimate Rife a short time ago and need some frequencies we can’t seem to find in the instruction book. We would be very appreciative to have them. Please investigate for us: 1) pre-diabetes high blood sugar 2) neck injury 3) atlas (cervical) subluxation (a partial dislocation of a joint or bone)

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All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle, in their own pancreas.   It seems likely that we get it from cattle, repeatedly, by eating their meat or dairy products in a raw state. It is not hard to kill with a zapper or a Rife Machine, but because of

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