Crystal in Machine

Quartz Crystal Oscillator & Wands

Question: I was wondering can you use the Crystal wands with this machine? Wondering about the Quartz Crystal also. Answer: The Quartz Crystal Oscillator is built into the Machine. Holding wands is not the way Dr Rife conducted long session Rife Machine healing. This is why the Crystal is built into the unit, and straps […]

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The Crystal in the Machine

Question: I had an older machine, I opened the machine to look at the crystal and couldn’t find it. Is it there? Answer: The crystal is enclosed in a metal shield and is small component soldered to the mainboard. It actually serves as a function in regulating the frequencies in a specific way. The shield

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Crystal in the Machine

Question: Is your machine working with the crystal grit? Answer: The Rife Digital Quartz Crystal works within the device as a crystal oscillator that uses the resonance of the vibrating crystal material to create an electrical signal with a precise frequency. The Quartz is about 5mm x 2mm so is small, but very effective.

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