Crohn’s Disease

Herxheimer, Colitis, & Diarrhea

Question: I have had one session with the Rife Pro V2 for Colitis. I have had diarrhea for several years from Colitis and Crones disease and permanent inflammation of the colon. Anyway – after one session for Colitis my diarrhea has increased. Is that due to the machine? Do you have frequencies for diarrhea? Are […]

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Crohn Disease & Schizophrenic Disorders

Question: My son 45 yrs. old has lost the majority of his small intestine due to crohns disease, he was diagnosed at 14 yrs. he also developed schizophrenia shortly after bowel was removed. I know you don’t claim to heal but perhaps you can suggest…….. THANK YOU…….  ============= Answer: There is no mention of whether

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Microbacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis (MAP)

Question: I would need to know the exact frequency for Microbacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (or MAP) as I have tested positive for this intracellular and in my blood stream – it is the cause of Crohn’s Disease: Being that MAP cannot be seen under a microscope, and is incredibly hard to detect, I am

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