
Non-Specific Colitis

Question: I have been diagnosed with “non-specific colitis.” I am looking for any specific frequencies for inflammation of the Colon. Answer: Yes, this is in ETDFL. Program each of the frequencies into Slot 21-24 if you have the V2 or V3 Professional Machine  If it is the Trio just program it in. Colitis, Granulomatous: 0.03, […]

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Herxheimer, Colitis, & Diarrhea

Question: I have had one session with the Rife Pro V2 for Colitis. I have had diarrhea for several years from Colitis and Crones disease and permanent inflammation of the colon. Anyway – after one session for Colitis my diarrhea has increased. Is that due to the machine? Do you have frequencies for diarrhea? Are

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Question: To clarify, I suffer from an indeterminate colitis for 12 years. It closely moresembles Crohn’s colitis than ulcerative. The symptoms are multiple diarrheas (currently x10 daily; including x2 at night), with incontinence. The disease is confined to the colon affecting mainly the cecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon; sparing the sigmoid and rectum. It

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