Cleaning the Straps

FLEX vs Velcro Straps

Gray Bands (flex straps) are conductive across the entire strap.  Some people can be sensitive to that.  If you notice any discomfort or irritation, either drop the voltage on the V2 machine or, please use the VELCRO if irritation is occurring.  You can also use a thin piece of kleenex, or a thin piece of […]

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Cleaning Mats and Straps

You can use Azo spray for bacteria on the mats and straps, that’s OK. There are other alternatives, which are cheaper and have been used by other customers…. This is 100% alcohol. SUNNYSIDE-83432-Denatured-Alcohol-Solvent-1-qt Cheap for 3 bucks, pour on a cloth and wipe surface of mat, kills everything. Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER  

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Cleaning the Straps

Question: Is there anything that needs to be done to keep the straps sanitary? Should people clean their hands or feet with something before using? If several people are using the machine should they each have their own straps? Answer: You can use the Surface Cleaner we offer which is a great product for so

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