
Ampullary Cancer in Pancreas Liver, Lymph Nodes 

Question: My mom has ampullary cancer in pancreas liver lymph nodes and blood she is now stage 4 — what can I do? Answer: For alternate treatments, there are 2 suggestions below: Firstly overnight treatments with Rife Digital machine or Zapper. Stage 4 indicates that the cancer has spread beyond the ampulla of Vater (where the […]

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Squamous Carcinoma, Brain, Legs and Face

Question: I have recently purchased a  Rife Machine. I would like to give you some background on my husband’s condition and I would appreciate any recommendations that you have for particular settings related to his condition. His journey started in 2006 with an initial diagnosis of a squamous carcinoma of the paratoid gland. He has

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Metastasized Thyroid Cancer

Questions:   Do you have any specific frequency to use for Metastasized Thyroid Cancer.   It has spread to his lymph glands, but want to make sure it doesn’t spread elsewhere. —————————- Answer:   Re: the best set for her Group 7?    I thought maybe she can set up the Group SWEEP with the Thyroid

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Liver Recovery After Cancer Surgery

Question: My husband Gary has been using the Rife machine and belt for about a year for colon cancer with metastasis to the liver.  I believe his machine was ordered by his sister Linda.  At the time he started his cancer treatment the liver had many tumors.  After nine months of chemo and using the

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Blood Cancer – Beck machine or the Rife or Zapper – Which one should I use?

Question: Which machine is best for Blood Cancer? Answer: The Beck Machine will be able to do Blood Cleansing with the GEL pads, over the (Vein) arterial, as explained in the book. Gelpads can be placed on the inside of the leg over the main artery, and the other pads can go on the wrists,

Blood Cancer – Beck machine or the Rife or Zapper – Which one should I use? Read More »

Cancer Treatment Suggestion

Question: I believe you told me previously that your device (Pro) generated a radio frequency carrier wave identical to that used by Rife to carry the unique cancer eradication frequencies into the body and cancers. Is this radio wave carrier sufficient to reach into the cancer stem cells underlying the cancer tumors that the doctors

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Metastases of the Colon

Question: We have just bought Rife Digital Professional. For cancerous nodules in lungs, peritoneal and bowels being metastases of the colonic, which is the program to be used. Answer: Use Group 7 set on the Professional model.  If you don’t have the professional machine program in the set below. Group 7: Metastasis (Organ) Cancer Comprehensive: Breast,

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Brain Cancer and the Zapper

Question: Hello, How does the Zapper impact brain tumors when the straps are on only the feet and wrists and the electrical circuit will bypass the brain/head (avoiding the head chakras). Also, Rife’s machines including a radiofrequency generated signal with the frequencies carried on a modulated carrier frequency, which would seem to better penetrate the

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