ETDFL vs CAFL, New vs Old

There are some customers who are still using the older versions of ETDFL.  Some customers even use CAFL 2006 List.   2023 ETDFL Frequency List only corrects errors found in the earlier version(s) The most significant error in older editions is a medical condition listed under multiple different names, all having different frequency lists. Customers […]

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CAFL, is that set a mistake?

Looking back at previous ETDFL versions to 2006, it appears this group below is the latest (newest frequency set) Cancer: Melanoma: 0.35, 0.93, 7.5, 17.5, 52.5, 70, 215.7, 325.4, 434, 523.01  (ETDFL) Other CAFL sets which are included in the book have been left for relevance, and can be used in conjunction with the above

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CAFL Frequency List vs ETDFL Frequency List

CAFL stopped producing frequency books in 2006 (11 years ago) CAFL . The frequencies in the 2006 book were repetitive, and far too close in range in many cases. As time progressed, more frequencies were gathered and the ETDFL (Electro Therapy Device Frequency List) continued to expand frequencies and update them every year In many

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Why don’t you use the CAFL list?

Question: I have the Professional Rife Machine V2 and am a beginner of “Rifing”. I am interested in the treatment frequencies and have a question. Why are the frequencies in ETDFL different from those in CAFL? Why don’t you use CAFL? Answer: We don’t use CAFL as it expired in 2006 , 12 years ago

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Intensity – Older Machines and How they Compare

The “modern” Rife developers which included Dr Peter Williams, and Dr Susan James, who limited the output due to Sensitivity issues when the machine was developed in 2006. Trials were showing outstanding results with lower intensity output combined with the longest periods of treatments. Also the Sweep commands would keep switching frequencies continuously over this

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