Bladder Issues

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Question: Are there frequencies that would help the pelvic floor? For Bladder leakage. Answer: Factors that put pressure on the pelvic floor: These factors include overweight or obesity, chronic constipation or chronic straining to have a bowel movement, heavy lifting, and chronic coughing from smoking or health problems.  The pelvic floor muscles can weaken as women […]

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(Spastic) Bladder Incontinence

Question: What frequencies do you recommend for (spastic) bladder Incontinence? None of the codes fit. Answer: Overactive bladder and spastic bladder are basically the same condition characterized by uncontrolled bladder spasms that lead to urinary leakage (incontinence). Use the set below Urinary Bladder Diseases: 0.16, 0.8, 7.5, 30, 67.5, 125, 352.93, 563.18, 642.91, 930.12 Link

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Neurogenic Bladder

Question: Tomorrow we will receive the machine. Need help to treat a patient of Neurogenic Bladder.    As per reports, due to motor neuron disorder. Presently we are giving frequency of  Movement disorders, neurogenic + Cystocele Bladder prolapse.    Please suggest the correct set of frequencies.  Answer: A range of diseases or conditions can cause neurogenic bladder including

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Prolapsed Bladder — Cystocele

Question: Mary is asking for frequencies for a prolapsed bladder. I could not find anything. What should she use? Answer: A cystocele ― also known as a prolapsed, herniated, dropped or fallen bladder (where your urine or “water” is stored) ― occurs when ligaments that hold your bladder up and the muscle between a woman’s

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Detrusor Failure

Question: Hello,what is the setting for Detrusor Failure (bladder muscle).  Does it come under Urination Disorders (page 117) or is there another setting.  Thank you, L. M. Answer: Retention  of  urine  may  be  acute  or  chronic,  and there are different underlying causes of inability to empty the bladder. Acute retention of urine, or the sudden

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Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma

This set is the exact set for this treatment Cancer: Bladder Cancer: 0.08, 5.75, 7.25, 50.00, 97.50, 210.50, 434.37, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10, Use the Rife Healing Belt around the area below lower stomach, for the best focused treatment point 7-9 hours frequency treatment per night. If you are using the V2 machine, be sure you

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Candida and Bladder Pain

The Pain in the Bladder means the Candidiasis is still present in a lesser form internally.  Sugar can trigger Candida and create pain.  There is a possibility that the Candida is withdrawing, but the regular intake of sugar food prevents total elimination Numb feet are a too common condition to point at any particular disease or disorder. Use the

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