1 MHz Range

Sine or Square Wave, Audio, CW, RF, 1MHz

Does it have s Sine Wave/Square wave output?   Wave output is SQUARE only, switching to SINE will invalidate the effectiveness of the treatment.  SINE waves should never be used unless in conjunction with a Bulb Light.   Does it have a Dual frequency output mode for Radio & Audio? There is DUAL output as […]

Sine or Square Wave, Audio, CW, RF, 1MHz Read More »

Frequencies – Can They Cause Harm?

Question: Although the frequencies kill parasites and bio resonate the cells could there be any harmful effects of the frequencies delivered into the body at all?  ….if no harm is possible how or why would you state that? Answer: Frequencies under 1000Khz do no harm to the human body Frequencies under 1000Khz do no harm to

Frequencies – Can They Cause Harm? Read More »

Why only 1 MHz output?

Question: I Am interested in your professional 30Mhz but Pacific health products online which sells the programable blaster claims the professional when measured by an oscilloscope only outputs 1Mhz. Can you clarify this for me?…. Answer: Rife Professional or Zapper Professional is limited to 1hz – 1 million hz max for 2 reasons (1) All

Why only 1 MHz output? Read More »

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