
I got some information back the other day and found out I have a pretty wide-spread infection of Candida that’s been going on for a while, which would explain a lot, especially the severe swelling from my waist down (I can barely walk now).

Dr. insists it’s cancer cells blocking the lymph nodes, but she won’t own up to the fact she’s been misdiagnosing everything since day 1. Anyway, she has me on anti-fungals but I don’t know what will happen.

I know my immune system is very weak and have the settings you gave me for Immunologic. Def. Syndrome and I looked up Candida and found settings for Candidiasis, so I am running that the last day or so. The fact is, if this Lymphedema/swelling doesn’t get under control asap, I don’t know how much more I can take.

Now that we know there is ongoing Candida that’s spread, and my lymph nodes and pelvic area are blocked and swollen (Lymphadenopathy), WHAT WOULD A GOOD DIAGNOSIS WITH FREQUENCY NUMBERS TO SET UP AND USE AND GET THIS UNDER CONTROL ASAP?? Keeping in mind I am taking meds for Candida as of now. I’ve got to get this swelling down badly!! I didn’t think cancer cells could act and swell so bad so fast and the Dr. is of no help.


Candida is primarily an imbalance of natural body bacteria.  When the body’s natural balance of good bacteria has been exchanged for toxic bacteria, this is called Candida.  Using Anti-fungal medicine will kill both the good bacteria, and the bad bacteria together, rendering this type of treatment useless.  In fact the Antifungal targets the good bacteria so successfully while the bad bacteria builds immunity, causing even a greater candida problem over time.

Lastly while other medication such as antibiotics is being taken the Candida problem will not be resolved.  It is impossible to clear candidiasis while on an antibiotic medication.  Even the steps below will not work.  Antibiotics will completely eliminate all good bacteria, while the toxic bacteria is left to flourish, due to its resistance

These are the steps for resolving this issue;
(1) Stop all antibiotics
(2) Stop all anti fungal medication

(3) Consume this product, 4-5 times a day

This is one of the better Yogurts containing large amounts of Probiotic bacteria.  Regular consumption will permit the probiotics to become the dominant flora in the gut, and slowly cause the bad bacteria to die off.  I would suggest 3 Ounces (or about 100 grams) each session 5 times a day (e.g. 9am 100grams, 1pm 100grams, 3pm 100grams,  5pm 100 Grams, 9pm 100grams)

The last dose of yogurt consumed after dinner/dessert

Do not buy any other yogurt brands with fruit, added flavors etc.  Because 90% of yogurts are fake, and have no probiotics in them.  If unsure buy this Walmart product above or something similar

(4) Use the rife digital candidiasis frequency set.  This is the best one for eliminating the nasty bacteria. as the frequencies are set to the bandwidth of these bad bacteria, and will not crossover to the probiotic bacteria frequency ranges

Candidiasis: 0.04 0.4 0.78 5.29 7.5 37 321.51 434 792 985.67

Continue on the Yogurt supplement and Rife treatment for 2 weeks.  It will take at least 7 days to reverse a candidiasis issue using natural probiotics in yogurt, so be patient

Once the Candida problem is resolved, all other symptoms such as lymph swelling will reduce and go away.

The best thing is it is natural therapy, no drugs!

c/- Dr Pete

And I add this to the above:

Eat more dark leafy greens such as kale and collards, sea vegetables and fermented foods, to take the place of empty carbohydrates you may have previously used as tummy fillers. Veggie bean soups, bowls of steamed vegetables and greens, quinoa and huge salads will be your main meals, as will simple stir-fried veggies and fresh green vegetable juices. The eating style is clean, light and abundant, with an emphasis on vegetables, rather than grains. And avoid GMOs, eating organic is going to be the best way to avoid them.


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