Question: I believe you told me previously that your device (Pro) generated a radio frequency carrier wave identical to that used by Rife to carry the unique cancer eradication frequencies into the body and cancers. Is this radio wave carrier sufficient to reach into the cancer stem cells underlying the cancer tumors that the doctors are trying to remove with Chemotherapy; chemo never can reach the stem cells. I have learned and discovered that unless the cancerous “mother stem cells” can be reached with a carrier wave and frequency wave sufficiently strong to penetrate the outer cell wall so that the inner cell material can be obliterated, the cancer is not destroyed. But if the inner part of the cancer stem cell is destroyed, the cancerous cell morphs back into a normal cell, so that the cell itself is not destroyed. Or is a plasma generated radio carrier wave and frequencies needed to reach deep into the interior of the cancer cells? Last question: does the frequency waves generate reach all the cells of the body simultaneously, or sequentially? Thank you for a prompt reply asap. M. E. Answer:

The closest cells to the source of the frequencies carry the highest frequency waves to those cells.  This is why we have been pushing to release all types of new mats, headbands, armbands, legbands in order to focus the Carrier Wave Frequencies closer to the problem area.

Although the frequencies are transmitted simultaneously to all cells; the straps/mats closest to the actual cancer/tumor location are the most powerful.  The parts of the body further to the frequency receive less power/frequency

e.g.  If a person has Cancer in the head area:  USE HEADBAND

Cancer in Leg/Arm USE HEADBAND ON LEG/ARM + Hand or leg straps on feet/hands

Cancer Breast/Chest USE RIFE HEALING MAT V2 + Foot Straps
Stomach/Intestine USE RIFE HEALING MAT V2 + Foot Straps
We are even developing now special glasses which will be use with Rife Digital Professional V2 for Eye Cancer treatment
Combine treatment with straps also on feet
Start with Rife PRO V2, not the earlier version.  V2 has a 17.5v upper which has been tested to move deeper into cells by the fact that the higher voltage + frequency can travel further and deeper into the body.
Without a scientific analysis of direct affect of frequencies on Stem Cells, all we can provide is thousands of people who have eliminated cancer completely from their bodies utilizing Rife Digital Frequencies.
We have all had this discussion as a team, and know it to be a fact, that the people who used the Rife Professional machine for the longer overnight sessions, with straps on the feet + MAT.  7-9 hours every day without fail, will have the fastest and most rewarding results.
The people who do/did not succeed are
(1) Have a cancer condition or radiation therapies which has damaged internal organs to the extent that Rife treatments are not applicable to recovery (Organs do not regenerate or rebuild cells, once damaged)
(2) The Person did not use the machine, or used it once or twice expecting a silver bullet remission within a short time.  People used the machine for 1 hour a day or less, or did not use the straps effectively, or did not opt for MAT for close proximity treatments.


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