Question: Please help urgently my sister in law is in a critical condition suffering from cancer of the spine which has spread throughout the body i believe its at stage 4 or 5. She has under gone a lot of chemotherapy and other forms of conventional cancer treatment but to no avail. What products do you recommend I buy for her asap. Please send me the product list and prices including the book on cancer cure. Answer: Extradural tumors (spinal) are mostly metastases from primary cancers elsewhere (commonly breast, prostate and lung cancer). Primary tumors may be benign or malignant in nature. The Client can follow the original cancer frequency set (commonly breast, prostate and lung cancer) from where the cancer originated, otherwise follow the General Cancer Set. Cancer: General Program: 434.00 for 2 -3 hours per day Cancer: General Set: 421.39, 422.81, 424.00, 424.25, 427.00, 428.00, 429.55, 434.00, 434.82, 434.11 Even though the client advised that the cancer had spread to other parts of the body, the opposite is more likely, that the cancer has metastasized from a primary organ to the spinal cord.


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