Question: The cancers I have are – Cervis, pap smear – squamous cell and Polyp tissue from inside – adeno carcinoma. I started using the endometrial group after I checked on the MRI and saw that the whole uterus was swollen with cancer. When I started on it, It caused a small amount of bleeding each night – two or three times a night. So I felt that it was a good set to use; working on the basis that if it was causing bleeding it was kiling the cancer cells. Recently I also put in the Squamous cell set – I don’t know if I mentioned that a few months ago a soft blind boil that came up on my leg, changed within two days into a most unusual looking open sore. In that 2 days the complete top of it went black. I did more research on the web and comparing photos and info it seems to me to be squamous cancer. So although I had not used the squamous set before I have been using it now as the uterine cancer is also squamous. She wrote about ten days ago the following: Sometimes I bleed quite a lot. Like getting terribly aenemic, barely pink under the eyelids and on the finger nails. I know where the bleeding comes from (partly) but I don ‘t know when it will bleed. Sometimes when having a bowel motion, sometimes an unexpected cough or sneeze, sometimes stepping out of or into the car, sometimes after sitting on my rather uncomfortable typing chair (for which a have a special doughnut cushion) but I can never know before hand what will start it. The aenemia will be so bad that I can only get up and walk around doing things for a few minutes, before having to sit down with my head low, or go into the bedroom and lie down for several minutes or in extreme cases for a few hours. When I first started getting this happening I went to the Dr and it was explained that tissues around cancer sites get very fragile and there is generally nothing that can be done – I was then put onto palliative car – over 3 years ago now. I decided to do the full week of using one set (in this case, the organs) for Detoxing. I did it two nights – or 1 1/2 exactly and started bleeding so I stopped it thinking that it must be too hard on the uterus/cervix. The third night I thought that just general Detoxing would be easier and not cause bleeding. That night was fine but the 2nd night I started bleding again. So I stopped. I was not just switching around for the fun of it. I had a bit of a bleed in the early hours of this morning but since then just a couple of shows now it is okay. When I get the heavy bleeds I do not wish to go outside the house, sometimes a big clot is inside and going outside I feel very vulnerable when a clot comes loose and I have to dive into the nearest toilet. Sometimes the clot comes away and there is no more bleeding for hours, days or longer, other times the clot causes extra bleeding straightaway and I have to sit on the toilet for 5-10 minutes until it slows down and I can pad myself up suitably and get back on to the bed for a while. So that is what I do and what I have. Have you read or heard anything like this and what may help me. It makes my burden heavier but on whole I am handling it. The bleeding comes from the vagina, the uterus or the cervix but specifically I do not know. I also have read that 40% of people who die from cancer die from haemorrage. I have advised her to use the Uterine Cervical Cancer frequency set and the Metastasis frequency set, alternating weekly with the two Detox frequency sets. But I am seeking your advice re anything more to do re the haemorrages, squamous cell, etc. Main question is how many frequency sets should she be doing and how to arrange her treatment program to include all? ——— Answer: The reply was Metastasis Preset Program on the Rife, with squamous cell set, pretty close to what you have. I have advised her to use the Uterine Cervical Cancer frequency set and the Metastasis frequency set, alternating weekly with the two Detox frequency sets. But I am seeking your advice re anything more to do for the haemorrages, squamous cell, etc. Add the Squamous Set: Cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma: 0.15, 2.12, 20.00, 45.15, 73.30, 96.50, 125.00, 375.75, 434.33, 563.19 Cancer: Cervical: 0.40, 0.78, 5.29, 7.50, 37.00, 95.50, 185.00, 434.00, 792.00, 985.67 Group 7: Metastasis (Organ) Cancer Comprehensive: Breast, lung, prostate, bowel/colon/rectal, Liver, Endometrial 0.13, 0.46, 0.83, 12.69, 93.50, 221.50, 434.71, 512.33, 667.00, 753.07 Detox: (Toxin extraction) 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.55, 0.52, 0.76, 0.78, 1.86, Detox: (Liver, Kidneys, Lymph, Intestine, Scars): 0.03, 0.54, 0.75, 0.02, 0.24, 0.15, 0.52, 0.44, 0.64, 0.18 Parasites general comprehensive: 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17 Use the 3 sets during the week. Perhaps one set every 2 days. It is imperative that the machine is used overnight with straps on the feet. Use Ultimate/Professional rather than bioresonanz or the earlier machines. A treatment for so many issues will take months of “Rife’ing” so consistency is the key here. One or 2 hours is not enough, the session has to be overnight 7-9 hours, and perhaps day sessions if possible Move to Detox once the condition is in remission or the body may have too many herx shocks with multiple combinations + detox. Also use: The Papaya Leaf supplement Here is a link for the purchase of Kaylx Papaya dried leaf from Pennsylvania. The Papaya leaf tea should be drunk in large amounts daily to accelerate the remission of advanced cancer, it is in my opinion at the very top of the list for natural cancer therapies.  

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