I have been using the Zapper for a month for Lymes. I have used it over night without a day off. Lately by blood pressure has been pretty high. Is it possible it is a herx reaction? Should I do something different? Answer: Herx Reactions can cause an increase in toxins in the liver and kidneys. This is an effect of the Zapper, as well documented by Dr Clark. Usually Pathogens, Parasites and Bacteria die off can overload the organs. According to Dr Williams archives: “People with Hypertension may notice an increase in (Blood Pressure) SYS/mmhg readings due to a Kidney detox reaction (specifically Kidneys here) or Herx reaction. My patients have resolved this issue by using Diuretics (usually non prescription, available at most drug stores) in conjunction with the Zapper treatment program. Diuretics are a fairly safe drug with little or no side affect, and assist with quick elimination of toxins through frequent urination. For high blood pressure, diuretics, commonly known as “water pills,” help your body get rid of unneeded water, salt and toxins through the urine. Getting rid of excess salt and toxins helps lower blood pressure and can make it easier for your heart to pump.” (steve) As mentioned in the archives, Specifically for people with High Blood Pressure: Use the Zapper with Diuretics to ensure blood pressure is maintained or lowered during treatment, Offsetting the HERX reaction.


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