Using Multiple machines for different body treatment areas. Risk/Reward ratio.

What can happen with multiple frequency transmissions, is that in a rare event one frequency can cancel out another frequency on certain frequency bands.

However when using multiple Rife machines for different areas of the body, it can help locate and concentrate the frequency in one area, while treating another area of the body.

An example of using multiple frequencies and multiple machines:  Use a Rife Healing Belt (RHB) directly over the breasts for breast cancer treatments with the specific ETDFL breast cancer set, while using another RHB around a leg on an inflammation frequency set.  Is there a risk of “noise cancelling”?  It is possible that one frequency may interact or cancel another, but the “Risk/Reward” benefits will always outweigh the risk of frequency cancellation.

In summary “noise cancellation” or frequency cancellation would be a rare event that would only occur when one Rife Digital Professional V3 generates frequency waves that are exactly out of phase with the second RDPV3 machine. When the frequency wave on one machine is high, the cancelling wave would be a low frequency on the second RDPV3. The opposite frequency waves collide and are eliminated or “cancelled”.

As we know, in almost all circumstances the ETDFL frequency sets start on “Low” numbers, and move up to the high frequency numbers every 10 minutes.  In order to sync multiple machines, start each machine at the same time.  This way each machine will move from “low” frequencies into “high” frequencies every 10 minutes without creating a “High/Low” frequency clash and potential frequency cancellation.

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