Question: Jan is using her machine for breast cancer. She has had the machine for a little over two weeks. She has been using it overnight and the third night she began to experience a lot of pain in her backbone. Now, as it turns out, her breast cancer has metastasized into the backbone (there are lesions). She is continuing with the machine, but has cut back some. Any suggestions as to what might be going on? Answer: The Herx reactions vary from person to person. The machine works in some areas which can cause discomfort in those regions, and also identify where a new problem may be. Cancer metastasizes slowly over time from one region to another if it has not been treated correctly in the first instance. Herx reactions are usually the sign that the machine is working effectively, and the reaction usually dissipates after a few days to a week of treatments. Usually we recommend switching to another set when Herx reactions occur, and the Detox set always appears to work most effectively as the alternate set to cancer frequency treatments: Detox: (Toxin extraction) 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.55, 0.52, 0.76, 0.78, 1.86, or organ specific: Detox: (Liver, Kidneys, Lymph, Intestine, ): 0.03, 0.54, 0.75, 0.02, 0.24, 0.15, 0.52, 0.44, 0.64, 0.18 Overnight treatments are considered the most effective method for the treatment of more serious health conditions. Footer

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