Just a question on the correct frequencies to use. I have breast cancer with metastisies to the lymph nodes, under the arm, and neck. My Dr said to use the Breast Neoplasms group (she had downloaded your frequencies some time ago).
The book has changed now, should I go with Cancer Breast?
One more thing and the most important.
I also have lymphodema in my right arm and tumors pressing on nerves in my neck & shoulder. This has rendered my right hand paralysed and numb.
Where do I put the hand strap as there is not much circulation there, should I move it up my arm more? although my arm is quite numb as well.
Neoplasms are the same as Cancer, so the “Breast Cancer” Frequencies apply here and are appropriate / applicable.In order to safeguard against possible rash, it is always suggested to place the straps on the palms of the hands, rather than locating straps on sensitive skin areas, such as breast or upper arms.



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