Brain Implant – Can I Use the Machine?

Question: Hello, I am anxious to try one of the Rife machines. However, I need to be assured of one thing—-I had a brain surgery several years ago and the metal used in my brain cannot be exposed to MRI’s without it killing me. So, does the Rife machine (any of them) produce magnetic waves that may agitate the metal in my head and have a nasty side effect of killing me? I need to check this out before I buy. Please let me know…..Thank you. Answer: MRI’s are very powerful machines which work very different to Rife Machines. The Rife Machine will not affect implants.stents and/or other types of Titanium or Zirconia implants, as I mentioned. The Rife machine does not produce “Magnetic Waves or Pulses” outside of the box, all frequencies are transmitted via straps. We usually suggest only using the RIfe Digital with straps on the soles of feet, in almost all circumstances.

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