Question: We do appreciate your suggestions & help last fall after getting our rife machine, but we have a couple of questions hopefully you can help us with now. My wife can see slow progress being made by using the Rife machine. From recent Xrays she has bone spurs in her right wrist and 2 large spurs in her left arm elbow area, which are causing much pain. The doctor wanted to operate! Could you suggest what settings she should use for these spurs? Answer: The book listed frequencies also apply to Bone Spurs: Osteophytes (Bone Spurs): 0.10, 0.32, 52.50, 112.33, 175.17, 475.00, 527.00, 662.71, 742.00, 986.22 I do not have the information regarding how successful these treatments are, the listing is generalized for most type of Osteophyte conditions in the body. The client only has to program the Rife accordingly, and should achieve good results, even if the minimum result would be a relief from the symptoms and pain related to Bone Spurs Footer

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