Question: I bought one of the original Rife machines put out in 1970’s. We have used it with a lot of success. My 11 year old daughter has been to the doctors all over Florida to find out why she is bleeding on her arms. The latest test showed a blood platelet aggregation problem. Planning to use the settings for blood platelet disorders and autoimmune system disorders starting on pulse sweep for 10 min for 3 days and then advance to 20 and then 30. Do I need to use the machine at anytime after the meal? Should I use the hands or the feet? This machine is so different from the old one I am used to using. Hope you can help me out. Answer: 10 minutes really will not resolve the problem. For this disorder, anything less than 7 hours per night for minimum of 30 days would prevent the Rife achieving a reversal of this disorder If people cannot do the extended treatments, then it is unlikely they will achieve success. it is just how this Rife Digital works. It has incredible success for thousands of diseases, however requires extended treatment periods. “PULSE SWEEP”, Use standard sweep for 30 days before switching to pulse

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