Blood Cancer – Beck machine or the Rife or Zapper – Which one should I use?

Question: Which machine is best for Blood Cancer? Answer: The Beck Machine will be able to do Blood Cleansing with the GEL pads, over the (Vein) arterial, as explained in the book. Gelpads can be placed on the inside of the leg over the main artery, and the other pads can go on the wrists, over the artery. Beck machine will allow constant blood cleansing, day and night, walking or sitting. It is battery powered. The Rife PRO will have the higher output, and has been a proven cancer eliminator, however blood cancer is “NON-SPECIFIC” and is moving at all times, this is why I think the Beck Method is effective. Now you can be really aggressive in going after that and use the Beck Machine for one week, as much as possible, and the Rife machine at night with the straps on the balls of the feet or with the Rife Healing Mat, and the next week the Rife Machine. Continue to alternate. Use the below frequency set with the Rife Professional: Group 6: Preset Frequencies: Cancer Comprehensive, Focus on Brain, Sarcoma, Lymph, Bone and Blood inc. Leukemia, Lymphoma 2.75, 5.03, 15.61, 17.50, 350.00, 37.00, 95.50, 434.39, 739.10, 905.31 Personally, if it were me, I believe in using every weapon available against cancer. ————— You can also add this to your treatment plan, we don’t sell it but below is a link where you can get it: The Papaya Leaf supplement Here is a link for the purchase of Kaylx Papaya dried leaf from Pennsylvania. The Papaya leaf tea should be drunk in large amounts daily to accelerate the remission of advanced cancer, it is in my opinion at the very top of the list for natural cancer therapies. People ought to understand that the Papaya Leaf tea, is not like a mild cup of “green tea” in the morning. The therapy actually involved drinking many liters of this tea concentrate per day. The Author of the Papaya Leaf therapy drank the tea warm or cold. He did not drink it hot, but equally did not consume “small china cups” of this brew. I believe for his therapy he was consuming 3-5 liters per day. Below is the link to the Beck machine Page and to the Rife machines. The links will take you to our main website. Beck MachineRife Machines  

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