Question: My daughter is almost 5, she is has bladder reflux. Which is causing urinary tract infections, which have all been antibiotic resistant so she has to do injections of very high dose rocephin for 3 days each time. We are doing a MRI to rule out spinal cord damage, because nothing is working to prevent them. We’ve been battling it for a year and a half. Can the machine help, what can we do? Answer: The correct Frequency Set is: Vesico-Ureteral Reflux: 0.19, 0.26, 0.57, 9.00, 17.20, 35.75, 176.09, 355.08, 642.91, 978.05 The goal of treatment is to minimize infections, as it is infections that cause renal scarring and not the vesicoureteral reflux. Minimizing infections is primarily done by prophylactic antibiotics in newborns and infants who are not potty trained. However in children who are older, physicians and parents should focus on bowel and bladder management. Children who hold their bladder or who are constipated have a greater number of infections than children who void on a regular schedule. In order to control infections when antibiotics become useless, Use the Rife Digital, programmed to the above frequency set, with straps attached to the feet, overnight sessions. The Infections will be eliminated within 7-14 days, however the treatment may have to be continued for one month. As the treatment is primarily focused on elimination of infections, the Rife may need to be re-introduced at the appearance of new infections after the initial treatments are successful According to medical data, Medical management is recommended in children with Grade I-III VUR as most cases will resolve spontaneously. This suggests that the problem will eventually be resolved, hence the present focus on infection management until this time. This may be months or even a year or more. Suggestions of parent, to encourage the child to urinate as frequently as possible, as an empty bladder will relieve the problem faster


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