
Hello, since January 2020 I noticed a lump at the right end of the right breast one (the medical therm, QIE of 35mm sur17.)

Given the situation we are living I did not contact the doctor until December I made a ecography followed by an MRI — I am offered the biopsy but I do not want to start this path with surgery etc.

Could you give me an idea of what is possible as a treatment other than this.


Most breast lumps are benign (which means non-cancerous tumors). Although they may require surgical removal to prevent their interfering with normal breast function, they will not invade surrounding tissue; they are not life threatening. Most breast lumps are benign, which means they’re not cancer. Benign breast lumps usually have smooth edges and can be moved slightly when you push against them. They are often found in both breasts. There are several common causes, including normal changes in breast tissue, breast infections, or injury.

Use frequency Group

Breast Tumors (benign): 0.02, 0.46, 5.12, 27.5, 85, 95.75, 150, 434.71, 682.45, 753.07

As lots of women have breast lumps, and 9 out of 10 are not cancerous. However, if you find changes in your breast that aren’t normal for you, it’s best to see your GP as soon as possible. This is because it is important to rule out breast cancer.


You might want to consider  getting the Rife Healing Belt or Mat along with your machine, you can warp this around your breasts or position the mat or belt at the upper back and lie on it.

This will offer a more targeted treatment, though the feet/hand straps that come with the machine will also work, the belt or mat will probably be a faster healing process.

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