
I used the machine for the 1st time yesterday for Back Pain.
After almost the entire session, he began to experience cramping in my legs.
Since that time, I have been experiencing shooting pains down my legs (they called it sciatica).
This has continued for 24 hours.
Is this part of a herx reaction?

All Herx reactions can be different.  Back pain can be caused by strains or injury in other parts of the body than the back, for example; in the neck, legs, arms.  The actual area of the (pain) herx can pinpoint another source or location of the original problem ..

The reactions are usually only temporary, and are a sign that the machine is making progress too quickly.

Reduce treatment time, and change the frequency setting to a general “Super Sweep”, before moving back to the back pain specific frequencies.

I would estimate that 50% of all people get some kind of Herx reaction the first time they use the machine.  The reaction may be so small people may not notice, like a sniffle or sore throat for a few hours.  It is the actual frequencies working powerfully in the body in the problem areas.  Once the body becomes accustomed to the treatment with Rife, the Herx reactions dissipate, and the healing processes begin.

Lastly in Dr Williams archives, I have a note in archives  to have a person with Chronic and present pain, & using Back Pain frequencies, to change position every 20 minutes.  Lay on: Stomach, Back, Sitting. Change positions during treatment.


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