Rife and Zappers Blog

What is the New Mat & Belt made from?

Question: What is the New Mat & Belt made from?  And is there copper in the mat or belt? Answer: The mat & belt is made out of 3M conductive rubber This 3M rubber product is 99.7% conductive throughout the mat, there is no copper inside the mat Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER

What is the New Mat & Belt made from? Read More »

Infiltrating Carcinoma

Question: What would you do with this diagnosis: Infiltrating carcinoma with apocrine differentiation: G3 associated with high-grade nuclear blackhead-type DCIS. She had breast surgery two years ago, now the doctor has found an alleged lump in her liver. Best regards Answer: Infiltrating carcinoma is a cancer that has spread beyond the layer of tissue in

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Does the Bob Beck Machine include a Magnetic Pulser Capability?

Question:   I have been looking at the Bob Beck brain tuner on your website.  I called their number and they gave me your email address and said that you were the product specialist. My question is does this machine include the magnetic pulser capability or would I need to buy it separately?  It looks

Does the Bob Beck Machine include a Magnetic Pulser Capability? Read More »


Low Libido can be caused by any number of these.. 1. Stress. 2. Depression. 3. Alcohol or Drug Use. 4. Lack of Sleep. 5. Medication. 6. Erectile Dysfunction. 7. Hormone Imbalance. 8. Health Conditions and illnesses We have new sets in ETDFL 2020-2023 Sexual (Male) erectile dysfunction: 0.06, 0.52, 15.17, 42.3, 125.71, 376.26, 514.35, 682.45,

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Radiation and/or EMF Concerns?

The Rife or Zapper machine produces human friendly frequencies in the sub 1000 KHz range These frequencies can be picked up by EMF detection devices The machine does not produce radiation: this is just not true,  the machine produces very low range audio frequencies. EVERY RIFE MACHINE or Zapper produces detectable low frequencies: Gb4000, JBLabs

Radiation and/or EMF Concerns? Read More »

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