Rife and Zappers Blog


Her question was not super clear, but the book lists all parasites under “P” parasites.  Bacteria may be listed under Family or Genus so is a little trickier.  I have been shown how to do this if the question arises with a specific Bacteria which is unlisted.  You have to step up to the family group frequency

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The Frequency list specifies frequencies for the treatment of diseases rather than a general “teeth and gums”  If one was using the zapper for the Teeth and Gums to eliminate bacteria, then the Gingivitis frequencies would be applicable for the tooth/gum bacteria that creates this condition: Gingivitis: 0.07, 0.12, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 22.50, 187.50, 396.50,

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Helicobacter-pylori (parasitic) bacteria

Stomach Bacteria and Parasites live in a generally non oxygen environment (anaerobic). All bacteria that maintain constant presence in the stomach are called anaerobic bacteria. The bacteria that prevails in most stomach conditions and is also the cause of stomach ulcers is the Helicobacter-pylori (parasitic) bacteria. Scientists have recently discovered that more than 80% of

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Hemorrhoids: 0.10, 0.57, 2.83, 12.33, 30.00, 87.53, 196.50, 551.03, 777.30, 866.41 Stop drinking carbonated drinks like coke, Pepsi, switch to orange juice.  Refrain from any drinks which contain large amounts of refined white sugar.  Reduce sugar intake with  coffee/tea and general high sugar foods, which are a trigger for this condition.  This suggestion also applies

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Hepititis B

A Dr Rife Machine, set on Hepatitis frequencies will help with the recovery process.  For example in the CAFL book supplied Hepatitis B: 0.18 0.87, 5.29, 27.50, 45.56, 95.22, 182.50, 414.55, 420.80, 418.00 Program the Rife Machine with each frequency and use for 10 minutes per frequency.  Many people use the Rife Machine on the feet at night, and for

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Herxheimer Reaction – Why do I feel worse?

Instruction book page 8 7. 1. What is Herxheimer reaction? When you begin the electrotherapy treatments, many parasites and pathogens are killed. This can overwhelm your immune system and lead to nausea, fatigue and dizziness. This is called the ‘Herxheimer effect’, or Parasite-Die-Off-Syndrome’, an immune system response to toxins in the blood and tissues. This brief overloading of

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HIV secondary infections

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy Question: I have a little precision to find my girlfriend has been diagnosed with Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy caused by the JC virus.  It has been partially controlled by meds at first but this caused myeline to be destroyed in her brain.  I’m asking myself if I should use frequencies specified for Leucoencephalopathy encephalomyelopathy

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