Rife and Zappers Blog

Squamous-cell carcinoma or Epidermoid carcinoma

Question: One of our clients has just received his diagnosis.  He has – epidermoid carcinoma of the Tongue.  He is currently using the Cancer: Oropharyngeal frequencies What frequencies should John be using? Answer: Squamous-cell carcinoma is still sometimes referred to as “epidermoid carcinoma” and “squamous cell epithelioma”, though the use of these terms has decreased.  Generally […]

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Measles Inoculation

Question: Our son has problems with complications from a measles inoculation. The measles virus has stayed in his system. What frequencies should we use? Answer: Measles: 0.06, 0.26, 0.75, 2.25, 7.50, 52.50, 369.50, 373.01, 371.05, 687.62 Followed by the Detox set, due to the mercury always present in inoculations Detox: (Toxin extraction) 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44,

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Electronic Magnetic Fields

Question: Will the zapper or Rife put out Electronic Magnetic Fields? Answer: Our device does not put out Electronic Magnetic Fields, as it is not a transmitter of EMF.  Frequencies that are produced move through the straps only, they are not transmitted out into a field or space. As Dr Clark and Rife and many

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Pain Medication and using the Zapper or Rife

Question: My daughter has Auto-Immune issues. She is using powerful pain patches. Will the Rife machine adversely affect her because of the pain drugs. Answer: You do not get adverse affects using the Rife Machine and pain drugs.  Pain drugs use chemical pathways to administer the medicine, the rife uses electrical pathways – quicker and

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Ozonate Alternative

Here is a source for an alternate way to Ozonate: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Air-Water-Purifier-UV-Ozone-Lightbulb-Bulb-/370223871373?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56330ff58d#ht_2406wt_1037 You dip the glass end of the stick into your bottle of Olive oil for about 30 minutes. You can extend this time to 1 hour if you want a real saturation of Ozone Or you can get a good Ozonator.  The one we

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Will the Rife help with a Stroke

The Stroke frequencies will Curtail the event of further strokes providing the user undergoes a considerable session with the Rife, using the Stroke frequencies. Stroke: 0.09, 0.12, 0.62, 15.17, 96.50, 225.00, 425.16, 571.00, 841.00, 937.41, -May assist with some activity of external limbs such as arms or legs which were incapacitated due to the same stroke

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Zapper, HIV, Pacemaker and Critical Disease Conditions

Question: I  want ask few question about zapper. 1. Can HIV type 1 be cured by zapper?     How long is take time to cure this disease. 2. If it’s a critical disease can the zapper be used?    is its safe..if I sale michines to cretical patient.. 3.  If patient wears a pacemaker

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