Rife and Zappers Blog

Stainless Steel Contacts and Heavy Metals Toxic Allergy

Question: I have run into a situation with the Stainless Steel Contacts. At the moment a friend is using my Rife Machine. She has a Heavy Metals Toxic allergy, specifically for Nickel. We think there is Nickel contained in the Stainless Steel Alloy that may be causing the problem. Do you have other Contact Materials that […]

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Dirofilaria Immitis

Question: How do the parasites get flushed out of the body.  I have a congested liver and can’t figure out how the parasite would get out. Same thing with my heart. Answer: Flush all parasites out of a congested liver with the Dr Clark liver cleanse, see: http://www.huldaclarkzappers.com/?page_id=219 Only the bodies natural immune function can expel dead

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Herpes how to choose the right frequency

Question: How do we differentiate between the various herpes conditions. Which herpes frequencies are used for which herpes issues? Answer: Herpes Genitalis: (see Herpes Simplex)  – Medically Categorized as H.SIMPLEX so use H.SIMPLEX 1 Herpes Labialis 0.11, 0.55, 1.23, 5.58, 27.50, 291.25, 293.05, 292.00, 345.50, 824.37 UNIQUE to LIPS (Part of HSV1) Herpes Simplex 1 0.12, 0.55, 0.95,

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Probiotics, multiple treatments and Vaginal Dryness

Question: Should I use probiotics when using detox frequencies? How can I treat different issues? Are there frequencies for vaginal dryness? Answer: Yes use probiotics, they are natural and are encouraged with all zapping, whether detox frequencies or otherwise. [PAGE.8] ” It has been suggested that frequency output generated in the bandwidth of Lactobacillus Acidophilus:

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Gallstones and Zapping

You can’t break up Gallstones with the Zapper or a Rife. One would need to follow the Gallstones/ Liver stones recipe here: http://www.huldaclarkzappers.com/?page_id=219 And follow Dr Clarks instructions to use the Zapper or Rife set to a Parasite elimination frequency set: 2557: Parasites: general comprehensive: 0.68, 0.9, 2.5, 5.5, 13.93, 93.5, 386.4, 421.4, 424, 426.3

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Very Sick 1.5 year old, what to do?

Question:  This client has a Zapper Ultra.  His 1.5 year old child is very sick.  I told him he could not use the Ultra on someone that young.  If we send him a battery pack will the Ultra become like a MgHz+?  (because the info also says not to use the machine with DC power).

Very Sick 1.5 year old, what to do? Read More »

Wegener’s Granulomatosis

Specific frequencies for Wegener’s Granulomatosis have not been listed as this condition is still being researched.  The best, closest frequency sets for this condition would be: Vasculitis: 0.08, 0.22, 0.73, 2.50, 5.81, 50.00, 310.25, 532.41, 689.93, 750.00 Wegener’s is considered an “Incurable form of Vasculitis”, so people (with Wegener’s) using the above frequencies have had noticeable reduction in inflammation while using this (above)

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Tapeworm Symptoms

Question: What are the symptoms of tapeworms in the body? Answer: Tapeworms reside in the intestinal tract and attach themselves to the intestinal wall.  This can cause inflammation and irritation.  Symptoms include live worms in your stool, weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, diarrhea and a loss of appetite.  Also, you may see tapeworm segments

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Question: I have tapeworms.  Large tapeworms.  What will be the most effective treatment please? Answer: Beyond the obvious Frequencies listed for Tapeworms in the book, the only other alternative for elimination would be MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement.  Combination of overnight Rife treatments and MMS have eliminated tapeworms permanently in more than 95% of people. MMS must

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