Michele Michaels

Astragalus Root Extract OK to use with other vitamins?

Question: This that you sent looks really good, but can I use it with the other things that I am taking? Maxx Herb Astragalus Root Extract – Max Strength Liquid Tincture Absorbs Better Than Capsules or Powder, for Immune Support and Mental Clarity – 4 Oz Bottle (60 Servings) Thanks very much for the links

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Poliomyelitis Frequency Set

Question: In the Poliomyelitis set, 0.97 is in there 2x. Is that a mistake or is it supposed to be repeated? 2757: Poliomyelitis:  0.05, 0.24, 0.97, 0.97, 7.5, 35.62, 157.5, 525.83, 757.77, 975.34 Answer: According to my information Poliomyelitis is a new Group in ETDFL 2023.   Poliomyelitisis was not listed in any addition before 2023 According to

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Spondyloarthritis, Spondyloarthropathy or Spondyloarthrosis

Question: A friends daughter is suffering from back pain and joint pain, especially in the SI joint for years. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia years ago, but has recently been diagnosed with Inflammatory Spondyloarthropathy, in a recent MRI, the findings were confirmed. They also found bilateral acute on chronic asymmetric inflammatory sacroiliitis with significant periarticular

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Non Cancerous Thyroid Nodule

Question: I have a non cancerous nodule on my thyroid, is this machine something that would work for me? Answer: Thyroid nodules are nodules which commonly arise within an otherwise normal thyroid gland. They may be hyperplastic or tumorous, but only a small percentage of thyroid tumors are malignant. Small, asymptomatic nodules are common, and

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I Only Feel Output From One Strap, Why?

Question: Why is it that only the signal from one strap is felt?  If and when I feel anything at all it is only from one strap. Answer: The answer is simple.    One Strap is POSITIVE and the other strap is Ground (alternatively called -negative).   Look at your straps.  You will see that

I Only Feel Output From One Strap, Why? Read More »

Parvovirus B19 (Fifth Disease)

Question: What is Parvovirus B19 (Fifth Disease) Answer: Parvovirus B19 is a common childhood viral illness. It is also called fifth disease, “Slapped Cheek” or Erythema Infectiosum. About 50 per cent of all adults have been infected sometime during childhood or adolescence. People who have had parvovirus B19 are usually immune to it for life.

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