Michele Michaels

Elevated Triglycerides

Question: I was just wondering if there are specific frequencies to lower Triglycerides  in my blood. Mine are very very high and changing diet and lifestyle will probably not help much.  Answer: Triglycerides are a common type of fat that accounts for about 95 per cent of all dietary fats. Both animal and vegetable fats contain […]

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Gut Dysbiosis

Question: What can I use for Gut Dysbiosis? It is different from leaky gut, it’s when there’s an imbalance of bacteria in the stomach and intestines, I guess it can also be called gastrointestinal Dysbiosis.    Leaky gut is when the lining is compromised. I have both, so I’ve been using the leaky gut set.

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Psoriasis – What to Do

Psoriasis Vulgaris is the most common form of psoriasis.   2838: Psoriasis:  0.15, 0.55, 0.98, 5.71, 13.93, 137.5, 262.5, 497.5, 626.07, 822.53 Plaque psoriasis typically appears as raised areas of inflamed skin covered with silvery white scaly skin. These areas are called plaques. Continue with the Psoriasis Frequency set and purchase this product from Amazon

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Periodontal Disease – Is There Something I Can Do?

Question: I have issues with periodontal disease.  Gums are inflamed, cavities, etc.  Is there something I can do? Answer: Some suggestions in addition to the frequency set — teeth are very challenging as new bacteria are constantly being re-introduced. 2681: Periodontal Diseases {Gum Disease}: 0.08, 0.35, 0.75, 12.93, 50.59, 197.5, 482.21, 762.2, 891.51, 923.79 https://rifeandzappers2.com/abscessed-tooth-2/

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Periodontal Disease Mouth & Oral Cavity

Question:   Can this machine treat the periodontal disease for addressing the mouth and oral cavity? Answer: 1 suggestion https://rifeandzappers2.com/abscessed-tooth-2/ and Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a set of inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. In its early stage, called gingivitis, the gums become swollen and red and may bleed. Periodontal

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Concussion — Frequency Sets to Use

Question: R. S. has a male patient who got a concussion on the job. He is interested in using the machine for this patient. Answer: Unfortunately people have not reported on the effectiveness of the Rife Digital Professional V3 for concussions. As I cannot see a frequency set directly for concussion, it would be my

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