Michele Michaels

Tight Throat, Ear Infections, Scar Tissue

Question: Below are her questions, and she also said thank you for the explanation about the white powder in her urine. Answer: How to prevent the eardrum from getting thick scar tissue after numerous infections?  Should I use the program for scar tissue? Inner ear?  Lymph node? What about the throat being tight?  The respiratory […]

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White Powder in Urine, What is that?

Question: I would like to know when I use the detox ( extraction),  any possibility something come out like white powder or stuff in the urine? I have a test and nothing was found in the urine or the blood test of signs of bacteria but some white stuffs like powder,  three weeks ago I

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SOTA Tech.

We have tested the SOTA tech.  Its power is about 2v or like an AA battery.  The power is so low that the techs couldn’t even get a reading.  I cannot see how an undetectable product like SOTA would make any difference if used in conjunction with the V3.  (Ok to use)

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Frequency Set for Improving Physical Condition

Question: Hello I have a question to know if there are frequencies to improve your physical condition whether at the muscular level, shear, fat, heart, energy and these reserves which can be aerobic , anaerobic or creatine. Anything that can help an athlete. Answer: Use SuperSweep mode on RDPV3.  This covers all frequencies 0-1000khz and

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Is there a frequency set for oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is a symptom.  The Rife machine in most cases addresses the cause (the disease/disorder creating oxidative stress), rather than the oxidative stress symptom itself. Find out what is causing the Oxidative stress?  Is it diet?  A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates will be the biggest culprit for oxidative stress… A diet high

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Five Platonic Solids (Sacred Geometry)

Question: I was hoping you could help me figure out how I could locate frequencies for the Five Platonic Solids (Sacred Geometry)                 Fire         Tetrahedron (triangle)      720 Hz                   Air          Octahedron (2 triangle)  1440 Hz                  Water    Icosahedron (2 tri +)        3600 Hz                  Earth     Hexahedron (cube)          2160 Hz                  Ether     Dodecahedron (5

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Currently the straps are of the highest quality stainless steel. Technically speaking; Electrolysis is the science which alters the state of metals via electrical current and moisture. Corrosion is an unavoidable eventuality and occurs on all metal types except the precious metals: Platinum, Silver and Gold. Straps will corrode for the reasons below: If using

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