Are There Frequencies to Stimulate Organs?

There are no Generalized frequency sets to stimulate Kidney, Bladder and Bowel movement.  These organs have vastly different functions, and over-stimulation of vital organs prior to a medical exam for Ovarian Tumor, would not be the highest recommendation of any doctor.  More specifically, there are vast benefits for a patient to have efficient and regular bowel movement, this would be the exception here.
My considerations are:  A toxic body, and more specifically toxic organs will not function efficiently, again I exempt bowel movements in this statement.  Rather than a stimulation of the Kidney, Bladder, which coincidently is only a peripheral function from the Master of waterworks, the kidney, one would opt for a Kidney detox frequency.
You must realize that the liver, which remains unmentioned, regulates and cleans (filters) the blood, and would be on the priority list for detox, with a Clark liver cleanse, and also the above mentioned detox frequency set.
Before I go off-topic,  I will simply conclude this email with the suggestion that the client consider the detox options listed above, and if they have out Ultra or Ultimate machine, to program in the following frequencies for an efficient organ detox:
Detox: (Liver, Kidneys, Lymph, Intestine, Scars): 0.03, 0.54, 0.75, 0.02, 0.24, 0.15, 0.52, 0.44, 0.64, 0.18
Again, I must mention, the electronic stimulation of a vital organ is not a consideration.  The reason why the kidney is stagnating is due to a toxic buildup of some kind, whether that be toxins, parasites or other issues.  Once the organ has been detoxified it will function normally.


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