Are bacteria, destroyed when using the Chakra Set?

It is important to recognize that Chakra Groups —those specific patterns or signals used in various spiritual healing therapies can exhibit a notable degree of overlap with other particular disease and disorder sets. This means that these frequencies are not confined to targeting a single condition but instead may have implications across multiple health issues.

For instance, certain frequencies employed in treatment modalities or diagnostic tools may address symptoms or underlying factors common to a range of diseases and disorders. This overlap occurs because the same frequency patterns can influence or interact with various physiological processes or biochemical pathways that are involved in different conditions. As a result, these frequencies are essentially working on multiple levels, addressing more than just one specific ailment.

This multi-layered interaction is significant because it suggests that the therapeutic or diagnostic approach may have broader applications than initially anticipated. By targeting frequencies that overlap with several disease sets, practitioners can potentially address multiple issues simultaneously, improving overall patient outcomes and expanding the utility of certain medical technologies. Consequently, understanding and leveraging these overlaps can enhance the effectiveness

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