
Will this machine be able to stimulate an appetite?

Will it help with arthritic finger joint pain? Help to detox liver and gall bladder?


We can offer no medical advice and we make no claims — below came from a Doctor who has been doing this for a long time that we consult with for some issues. According to Dr Williams, he suggests all of his clients with suppressed appetite disorders to take a “Kidney Function Blood test”.

According to Dr Williams, a common sign of appetite loss can be poor kidney function. The suppressed appetite is medically categorized as Anorexia. Publications often incorrectly use the word in the context of anorexia nervosa, however the true meaning of Anorexia is a suppressed appetite.

Wikipedia: Anorexia (deriving from the Greek “α(ν)-” (a(n)-, a prefix that denotes absence) + “όρεη” (orexe) = appetite) is the decreased sensation of appetite.

While the term in non-scientific publications is often used interchangeably with anorexia nervosa, Causes of Suppressed appetite (anorexia) could be:

Acute radiation syndrome

Acute viral hepatitis

Addison’s disease

Atypical pneumonia (mycoplasma)


Anxiety disorder



Chronic pain

Chronic kidney disease

Congestive heart failure, perhaps due to congestion of the liver with venous blood

Crohn’s disease



Drug addiction


Hypervitaminosis D

Metabolic disorders, particularly urea cycle disorders Sickness behavior[2][3]

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome



Ulcerative colitis

Zinc deficiency

For the reason that Suppressed appetite (anorexia) is a “symptom” of one or more of the above disorders/diseases as Per Dr Williams recommendations, one should look at discovering the disorders/disease which is contributing to this problem in the first place.

The General Anorexia set for the 2014 edition of ETDFL is Anorexia (General)

0.15, 0.22, 0.68, 0.71, 37.53, 102.08, 307.35, 612.39, 726.99, 823.58,

Also, Laurie, the guy who manufactured these machines did it because he had Kidney disease and was given 6 months to live, something like that. It is now 15 years later and he is very much alive and very healthy. So, I would think your best course of action is to rule out some of the more serious possibilities, i.e., kidney disease.

And, from what I remember he did use the the Detox frequencies to beat back that issue of Kidney disease. One more thing, don’t eat any GMOs, it will not be helpful. And since we do not label our food – yet – Organic or if it says GMO free is the only way not to get them. 



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