This was advised by Dr Williams as the correct frequency.. “Appendix cancer is classified by the type of cells within the tumor. The main type is Carcinoid Tumor. An appendix carcinoid tumor most often occurs at the tip of the appendix, therefore the most applicable and beneficial frequencies in ETDFL for this treatment is the Carcinoid Tumor set.” Carcinoid Tumor: 0.12, 0.73, 13.39, 7.50, 5.50, 125.00, 375.15, 434.90, 571.00, 842.00 Most often, appendix cancer is low-grade and, therefore, slow-growing. Often it can be successfully treated with surgery alone, specifically an appendectomy. An appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix. It is usually the only treatment needed for an appendix carcinoid tumor smaller than 1.5 centimeters (cm).”    

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