Antrochoanal polyps, also known as Killian polyps, are benign growths that originate from the mucous membrane lining of the maxillary sinus (antro) and extend through the natural sinus openings (ostia) into the nasal cavity (choana). These polyps typically arise unilaterally and can cause symptoms such as nasal obstruction, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, and anosmia (loss of smell).

The Rife Digital Professional V3 machine is a type of frequency generator that some individuals use to help with various health conditions, including nasal polyps like antrochoanal polyps. Proponents of Rife machine therapy suggest that specific frequency sets may target and eliminate abnormal tissue growth, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing.

Other treatment for antrochoanal polyps typically involves surgical removal, especially if the polyps cause significant symptoms or complications. Surgery aims to remove the polyps while preserving normal nasal and sinus anatomy to improve symptoms and prevent recurrence. In some cases, corticosteroid therapy may be used to reduce inflammation and shrink the polyps, but this is often temporary and may not provide long-term relief.

Presently there is only a General Group for Antrochoanal polyps, below.

2781: Polyps [General]: 1.22, 3.27, 4.23, 6.87, 9.03, 74.05, 103.83, 274.35, 388.32, 482.23

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