Question: Hello, I have ordered a couple Rife Machines last year. I need to know the frequencies to get rid of Ameoba parasites. I don’t see it under the parasite listings in the book . Thank you. Answer: Amoebiasis, also known as amebiasis or entamoebiasis, is an infection caused by any of the amoebas of the Entamoeba group. Symptoms are most common upon infection by Entamoeba histolytica. Amoebiasis can present with no, mild, or severe symptoms. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, mild diarrhoea, bloody diarrhea or severe colitis with tissue death and perforation. This last complication may cause peritonitis. People affected may develop anemia due to loss of blood. From ETDFL 2016 (1) Parasites Entamoeba coli trophozoites 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 394.25, 397.10, 396.00, 432.00 (2) Parasites Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 394.25, 381.10, 387.00, 385.00 Virtually the same frequencies (above) however set 2 (Histolytica) is the General “Group or Family” of Amoeba, and therefore is the “General Comprehensive” for Amoeba treatment set: Parasites general comprehensive: 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17 Parasites Entamoeba coli trophozoites (1) Entamoeba coli is a non-pathogenic species of Entamoeba that frequently exists as a commensal parasite in the human gastrointestinal tract. E. coli is a popular abbreviation for this Stomach/Gastro/Intestinal Amoeba that we are all familiar with. # 1 Set is the PRECISE frequency for Amoeba located in the Stomach/Gastro/Intestinal region. Also consider a Dr Clark Parasite Herbal cleanse from to assist in ridding parasites, in conjunction with the Rife/Zapper treatments.  

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