
This client’s brother has ALS and Father has an enlarged prostate.  They bought two Rife machines and are not seeing any improvement in either party.

She said the one who has ALS is Sepsis and toxic and filled with bacteria, and her father’s prostate is so enlarged that he has to wear a bag.  Any thoughts on what she can do to help the healing along?


I will quote from the instruction book here, page 4

“Sometimes it is recommended to use 2 different frequency sets for one particular illness; in this case switch between the 2 sets in weekly intervals.  If you do not feel any change within 5 days, then you probably are working with a wrong frequency set and you should try something different.”

I have a number of clients writing this week who have changed a frequency set and achieved a wonderful turn-around of symptoms and reversal of disease.

This Client should try a Bacteria/Mycosis set, and also the Detox sets.  I also wonder if they are using the machine overnight??

Most people who write mentioning no results, are using the machine for an hour or less a day, and are expecting a silver bullet cure.  You really need to work the machine, to make it work for you…. Overnight treatments are a minimum for serious disease treatment.



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