
I had my first episode of A-Fib in Jan. I have been seeing a Cardiologit and last month had another episode.

I  was put on Metropolol in Jan. and this month was started on Eliquis, and Flecanide to help control the rhythm and get me out of fib.

So far that hasn’t worked, and now I need a cardioversion.

I was born with a benign murmur, and have been diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation years ago.
At my last visit to cardio, I was told about an aortic valve leak.

I have been doing the zapper program and still feel my.  pulse irregular.

I also have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis which is under control as well as
elevated Cholesterol which I have had for years.

My husband is not happy with doctors and we try to go as natural as possible without being foolish.

We had very bad stress recently and I am sure that played into the A fib.

Hope this helps, and thanks for you understanding and patience with us.


As the frequency sets currently used are not clear, I would suggest the broad range preset:
Group 13 : Heart Disease & COPD Comprehensive 0.07, 0.41, 0.70, 0.97, 2.75, 7.50, 15.31, 67.50, 115.70, 356.72
Complimentary Chinese Herbal medicine, use:
Ignore the label “gastro peace” it is an invalid chinese translation of a combination of chinese herbs suitable for all  heart related treatments
Or the seller deliberately relabelled the bottle so as not to upset Amazon advertisement policies.  It is actually “heart peace” in the Chinese language.
Bao-Xin-Tang (BXT): BXT is a Chinese herbal compound used to treat all heart related diseases and is made of Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Astragalus, Fructus crataegi, etc. Previous studies have verified that it can ameliorate blood circulation to protect the myocardium of patients.
It is a powerful combination of the Rife Digital machine frequencies, with chinese herbs
When using the machine, use the overnight treatment program with straps attached to the balls of the feet.
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