
I have such digestive discomfort — is there something I can do?


I would try: 

2510: Parasites: [Dr. Hulda Clark Parasite General, Comprehensive]: 

0.06, 0.24, 0.78, 0.83, 2.5, 10.89, 22.5, 124.37, 375, 515.7

Also:  Consume this product, 4-5 times a day

This is one of the better Yogurts containing large amounts of Probiotic bacteria.  Regular consumption will permit the probiotics to become the dominant flora in the gut, and slowly cause the bad bacteria to die off.  I would suggest 3 Ounces (or about 100 grams) each session 5 times a day (e.g. 9am 100grams, 1pm 100grams, 3pm 100grams,  5pm 100 Grams, 9pm 100grams)

The last dose of yogurt consumed after dinner/dessert

Do not buy any other yogurt brands with fruit, added flavors etc.  Because 90% of yogurts are fake, and have no probiotics in them.  If unsure buy this Walmart product above or something similar. Below is a post from a patient who was having digestive issues.  I would start with the suggestions below, including the Yogurt and the Parasite set.  

I noticed that there is nothing in the blog about gas, bowels, intestinal discomfort, so I thought I would share my experience. I started eating some fiber/starchy foods that I apparently couldn’t digest, and started experiencing gas, loose bowels, and a sense that I was not digesting well. I used the bacterial infections gram+ set.

296: Bacterial Infections, Gram [+]: 0.12, 0.55, 0.86, 7.5, 12.5, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 587.5, 795.52

I could feel it working on the first day, and the gas was almost gone after 2 weeks. I know that eating sugar also affects me, and I have used both the detox organs and detox metal sets for better intestinal comfort.

I repeat these sets every so often.

957: Detox [Liver, Kidneys, Lymph, Intestine, Lung]: 

0.05, 0.18, 1.52, 5.35, 8.52, 125.69, 324.52, 637.5, 721.62, 852.09

958: Detox [Toxin extraction]: (Heavy Metals)

0.19, 0.2, 7.25, 45.75, 96.5, 325, 519.34, 655.2, 750, 922.53

My husband had gas and explosive bowel movements and we used the bacterial infections and mycoses set. After one night his bowel movements were not explosive and he was better after 10 days of overnight use:

294: Bacterial Infections and Mycoses: 0.05, 0.37, 0.9, 2.5, 3, 73.3, 95.75, 175, 269.71, 355.08

My experience is that the right frequency set will “feel like it is working” so if one of the above sets doesn’t seem to work, then try another. I also know that eating foods that aren’t right for me alters the progress of the frequency treatment. I would also say that we have experienced improvement with almost everything that we have tried.

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