Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that starts in mucus-producing (glandular) cells. Many organs have these types of cells and adenocarcinoma can develop in any of these organs. Adenocarcinomas occur most commonly in the:  

Bowel – around 90% of bowel cancers are adenocarcinomas, which begin in the glandular tissue lining the bowel.  

Breast – most breast cancers are adenocarcinomas. They begin in the milk producing glands in the breast.  

Cervix – adenocarcinomas make up around 25% of cervical cancers and are more difficult to diagnose as it occurs higher up in the cervix and abnormal glandular cells are more difficult to find.  

Kidney – about 90% of kidney cancers are adenocarcinomas (called renal cell carcinoma or renal cell adenocarcinoma). They start in the cells lining the tubes in the kidney’s nephrons (tiny parts of the kidney that filter blood and form urine).   

Lung – about 85% of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancers. (NSCL) Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of NSCL. It is most commonly found in the outer part of the lungs.   

Esophageal – adenocarcinomas are the most common esophageal cancer .. It often begins near the esophageal junction and is linked with Barrett’s Oesophagus (a condition with abnormal changes in the cells that line the lower oesophagus). 

Pancreas – more than 95% of pancreatic cancers are exocrine tumours. The most common type, adenocarcinoma, begins in the cells lining the pancreatic duct.  

Prostate – almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas and begin in the cells that line the prostate glands.  

Stomach – most stomach cancers are adenocarcinomas and being in the glandular tissue found on the stomach’s inner surface.  

So this type of cancer can be located in many areas, 

however M. is mentioning the Esophageal (esophagus) —the food pipe that runs between the throat and the stomach, so we assume that the frequencies requested are for  Esophageal (esophagus).

Suggested Groups are:

Cancer: Esophageal: 0.05, 0.52, 0.6, 0.93, 12.69, 125, 265.71, 434.03, 571, 839


Cancer: Comprehensive RDPV3 GROUP 6: 2.75, 5.03, 15.61, 17.5, 37, 95.5, 200, 434.39, 739.1, 905.31

Use Mat/Belt around the chest, or place it under the bed sheet.  Use simultaneously with foot straps

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