Can We Increase Voltage in our Cells


Is there a group in the Rife machine that stimulates/increases the voltage in our cells.  I read that 70 millivolts is the rating for healthy cells, but as we grow older that number drops,(to around half) allowing disease and disorders to set in.  And cancer is reported to have a cellular charge of around 30 millivolts.

I have the Tesla Multiwave Oscillator which is designed to do just that- stimulate cellular voltage back up to 70s millivolts. 

All Groups on Rife Digital Professional V3 (RDPV3) increase cell voltage.  Using the machine more often, such as overnight will allow the cellular voltage stimulation to be maintained during the sleep cycle.

Why ALL groups on RDPV3 increase cell voltage is because ALL groups produce the (approx) 17vDC (Oscilloscope measured voltage) which moves through all organs and circulatory systems of the body in a constant manner.  The frequency wave that accompanies this voltage is specific to eliminating disease and restoring health.
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