Due to V3 being the most powerful Rife Machine on the market, at 19.5v 4 Amp power in combination with a million available frequencies, creates an artificial Auric field around the body.  It is an energy field that will protect the human body both within and around them.  This field can be felt by a second person  touching the arm of someone connected to the V3.  The feeling is a strange vibration just above the skin that can make you recoil at the touch.  This is the Rife Digital frequency output.

The frequencies repel all trespasses on each and every level, and any negative charged pathogens (virus, bacteria, parasites, molds) are killed off.  Issues like Cancer which are a larger organism do take longer to bring into remission, perhaps 6 months of constant use.

I have had many reports in the past of people affected by negative psychic phenomenon, being able to use the V3 as an Auris energy field to assist them through, and past these experiences.

Using the V3 , 7-9 hours each night will also build back and repair the body’s own natural energy Aura, making it more resilient over time.


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