How Your Health Changes as You Age (And How the Rife or Zapper Can Help)

As we age and witness how our health changes, which tends to decline especially if we are not getting the diet and exercise required to remain healthy, we can now do something, and that something will grow into a new way of providing healthcare.

There are things we can do. 

Exercise, and this doesn’t have to be running a 10K, if you can do 20 minutes of cardo or 10 to 20 minutes of stretching, alternating or both daily, that will go a long way to keeping you upright and walking as we age.

You can also use the Rife machine or the Hulda Clark Zapper to prevent age related health issues.

Arthritis, heart disease, skin, eyes, hearing, etc., etc., etc.

We have frequency sets for all these conditions and some that you can’t imagine.

I got rid of Osteoarthritis and Covid.  I hardly ever get a cold or flu anymore because I use the Rife machine preventatively also.  I am now working on conquering osteoperosis.

The heart responds really well to the frequencies as does the brain and spinal cord.

Now that we know about how frequencies using resonance can heal without side effects — we will start to see a lot of changes in the way health care is delivered.  We will have to reach a critical mass before we see that change, but it is coming.  All the greed and desire for power cannot stop what is to come though they can slow it down a great deal, as we have seen.  Sooner or later, it is inevitable.

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