
My daughter who had a left side brain stroke 3 years ago. 

Are there protocols that would help her? 

She can talk now in the mornings better than the evening; can not spell but  can read slowly.

She has right-sided foot drop, and constant numb tingling in the right leg.

She has gained a lot of weight, so she keeps getting foot and ankle stress fractures, as she swings her leg to step forward to then plant the foot to step on it.



Rife Professional V3 GROUP 17: 

Brain Disorders + Brain Diseases: 

0.04, 0.25, 0.65, 0.75, 42.5, 87.5, 132.41, 376.29, 497.61, 689.93

A Ketogenic diet could reduce brain inflammation after stroke or injury,  Ketogenic diet has assisted in the recovery from various types of brain injury.

You can also email Aja, she can help you with getting started on a Keto diet.

Her email is

A Keto diet is ZERO sugar, no carbohydrates.  A fats (oils eg Olive oils) and Protein (Fish, meat, Tofu) diet.  No wheat, no rice, no pasta

“Meat and 3 Veg” is a 100% Keto diet for example.  The Keto diet will make significant difference to health and recovery after stroke


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